搜索 Anjali

  • 男主角拉维,本是一银行追偿代理(追人家还钱的),因同事遭遇一女"骗子",决定为同事以及广大受骗者报复.谁知道,女"骗子"施如蒂却真心爱上了他.在拉维被急切想儿子结婚的老爸"蒙骗"却和女"骗子"施如蒂订婚那天,一群恶人出现,拉维和他老爸的真实身份开始浮出水面。
  • 一個燥熱的午後,費迪收到了四十年前親手寫給芬妮的求婚信,他這才意識到自己並沒有被拒絕,而是寄信的過程中出了差錯。孤身等待了多年的費迪叫上一行好友,決心啟程尋找芬妮,解開四十年的誤會,尋找失落已久的愛情......
  • 电视剧校园
    What unfolds in the posh lanes of a Delhi school? Where will their lives take them? The questions, for now, are unanswered, but they will be answered real soon.
  • 杰是个孤儿,被黑老大巴戈万带大并训练成贴身护卫,如同无坚不摧的利爪。20多年来,杰生活的一切只有一个主题,就是为巴戈万冲锋陷阵。直到他遇到了美丽善良的桑蒂雅,才发现了生活的美好。江娜薇是与杰一起长大的,一直恋着杰,但杰却视她为亲妹妹。当巴戈万的儿子牟纳因追江娜薇不成而残忍地杀害了江娜薇后,杰愤而杀死了牟纳。巴戈万要为儿子…
  • Engeyum Eppodhum is a road trip revolving around two love couples. Most part movie is shot inside two buses which involve in a tragedy nearing the end. The movie also features beautifully portrayed Flashbacks, and good music. The 1st Half shows the love story between the two couples, and the Second Half of the movie sh…
  • 喜玛拉雅山的出尘美景因天灾而骤然色变,阿肯德邦山区偏乡“圣地”的世俗旧习却冰封于时间长河。离乡四十载的游子,失明前回归故里,发现乡亲旧恨未消,把他拒诸门外。兄长怨他当年欲与贱民通婚是伤风败俗,令家族蒙羞。历史阴魂不散,如今少女被迫放弃学业嫁作人妇,悲剧轮回。种姓歧视、封建婚姻的观念一直顽如磐石,女性从来命途多舛。柏斯卡…
  • Ajay Chauhan lives with his parents and younger sister. He is in love with Pooja, and hopes to marry her someday. His father wants him to get a job and settle down, and then get married. Ajay applies for a job in Bombay, and soon receives a letter asking him to appear for an interview. He attends the interview, and is …
  • 电影剧情
  • Rich and pretty, Susila returns from college to find that her family is being bumped off one by one. The only clues are a half smoked cigar left at the scene of each murder and a mysterious woman in white running through the courtyard.