- FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBEの冠番組 「FUN!FUN!FANTASTICS SEASON3」(日本テレビ系/毎週木曜24時59分~25時29分、全10回)が、6月22日よりスタートする。
- 鹈野涡芽(大桥彩香 配音)是一名平凡的十五岁少女,一天,涡芽搭乘电车外出,在车上遇见了一个怪人,整个人不由分说的塞给了涡芽一叠名为“Fantasista Doll”的卡片。涡芽在懵懵懂懂之中打开了卡片,让她没有想到的是,五名活泼可爱的少女出现在了她的面前,自己成为了她们的主人。 沉着靠谱深得同伴们信赖的莎莎萝(津田美波 配音)、身形…
- It is hard to imagine Polish science fiction without Maciej Parowski. He was the editor-in-chief of the Polish iconic monthly "Fantastyka" who stood behind the success of a few generations of authors. First, he was head of a student weekly "Politechnik" and then he moved on to head the editorial boa…