- Technology and spirituality are parallel forces in an abandoned and possibly haunted Chinese amusement park taken over by outsider artists. An enigmatic work of a great, dark beauty. Paranormal activity, telepathy and other supernatural phenomena form a parallel reality in ‘Parkland of Decay and Fantasy’, set in an aba…
- 本作は、隕石衝突による地球最後の31日間を、月曜から金曜まで曜日ごとに視点を入れて描くショートドラマ。3月1日から31日まで、毎朝、『ZIP!』内で7時50分ごろから約8分間放送される。 2022年3月31日――、地球に巨大隕石が衝突すると政府が発表した。家に閉じこもる人、アテもなく逃げる人、まるで信じない人。反応は人それぞれであった。1…
- Waiting for his big dream (a film role) to come true, Pablo works as a training actor in a patient-care programme at a medical faculty and a paid participant in group therapy sessions. To make ends meet, he sublets a room in his apartment in a suburb of Santiago de Chile. However, he seems to have lost control when his…
- 2000年,早已荣登动画殿堂的迪斯尼经典作品《幻想曲》以全新的面貌重现世人面前,主要曲目为:1)贝多芬:第五号交响曲(Symphony No.5)(命运)、2)雷斯庇基:罗马之松(Pines of Rome)、3)格什温:蓝色狂想曲(Rhapsody in Blue)、4)肖斯塔科维奇:第二号钢琴协奏曲——快版(Piano Concerto No. 2,Allegro,…
- 1940年,迪士尼公司制作了第三部长片动画《幻想曲》,为动画史贡献了一部迄今仍难以企及的经典名作。本片由8部音乐短片组成,最早诞生的《魔法师的学徒》讲述了在魔法师严西(Yensid,迪士尼Disney倒写)手下学徒的米老鼠偷戴师傅的帽子,利用魔法指挥扫帚挑水并惹下大祸的 有趣故事。该片原打算收入“糊涂交响曲(Silly Symphonies…
- Carnival in Barcelona. The Dominican troupe is the most popular at the most attended parade in the city, and for the first time this year, they are parading with a float. Ruth, the owner of a Latin hairdresser's, is sponsoring the float so that she can put her daughter Rihanna in it. Rihanna usually dresses like a tomb…
- From the WWI military cemeteries in Bitola (N. Macedonia), we move to the banks of Danube in Novi Sad (Serbia), and then to the mines of Kozani (Greece), seeking through a Balkan travelogue, the dark vein that runs through them and has defined their fate. The film explores the parallel past and present of the three loc…
- Il passato e il presente dell'azienda Ferrania, la cui essenza stessa è la pellicola, la materia di cui sono fatti i sogni.