搜索 AntonioSabato

  • 一名警探调查之际,骇然发现一条长达3米,形若蝎子的变种巨虫。当局不敢怠慢,派来联邦调查探员前往研究,当特种部队深入地动时,竟然遭到成千上万的昆虫围困,激烈驳火后,隧道入口倒塌,众人的唯一出路是十里以外的紧急出口,但是他们必须先消灭巨虫……
  • The Last Desperate Hours benefits immensely from two great leading performances; chiefly Antonio Sabato in the lead role. Sabato fits his character like a glove and comes across excellently as the detestable sleazebag at the centre of the film. He gets great backup from Pier Paolo Capponi as the lead cop on the case. T…