搜索 Antoniou

  • After the death of her father, Maria travels to Berlin to visit her elder sister Helena, a dancer, who she hasn't seen for years. However, when she arrives in Berlin she finds out that Helena has quit dancing and now works as a croupier in an illegal gambling club. As the two sisters' relationship gradually becomes clo…
  • In the summer of 1949 the civil war in Greece comes to its bitter end. One of the last active rebel groups of the left wing Democratic Army is forced to leave Taygetos mountain and move towards the coast. During this hopeless long road, the rebels would fall one after another under the fire of the National Army and the…
  • 本片由真实事件改编而来,少年爱德华成长于充满压抑和暴力的家庭环境,带着对美好生活的追求和成为摇滚巨星的梦想离开了阿尔巴尼亚。鲁莽的性格和年少的冲动使他在雅典犯下了一宗谋杀案,他也因此陷入了每个人,甚至自己内心的“追捕”之中。而后,他又因为一桩旧时的抢劫案在阿尔巴尼亚锒铛入狱。在监狱里一位德国医生的帮助下,爱德华学会了同…
  • 西奥哈里斯是一位独居的老人。他拒绝子女的帮助,也不愿与别人来往。每晚,他在医院的长椅上过夜,清晨再回到家中与猫和回忆作伴。偶尔,西奥哈里斯会去老年俱乐部玩猜谜游戏,那里有许多跟他一样在暮景时光中静静等待的人。某晚,护士叶芙根妮亚注意到了这位老人,两人之间慢慢建立了信任。护士终于了解到老人的过往,以及选择在医院过夜的原因…
  • 一个神秘的飞行器坠毁在塞浦路斯一个名不见经传的小村庄里。坠毁点既是男主角家门口的土豆田,又和联合国控制的缓冲区相毗邻。于是平日安静的小村庄顿时变得鸡犬不宁。一边是国际组织暗中来取飞行器,一边是男主暗自计划把飞行器挖出来抵债。本就忙于选举和土豆节的小村庄里,上演了一出荒诞又可笑的好戏。影片时而如警匪片般扣人心弦,时而又如…
  • 警方素描畫家蜜雪兒還沒從兒童死亡的案子復原,便於湯瑪斯陷入情網。當兩人戀情持續發展,她開始懷疑對方可能是連續殺人犯。德國電影獎影帝彼得洛梅爾主演。
  • A group of dissident Greek film makers try to produce a politically committed film with the backing of American producers in the aftermath of the coup d'etat by the military in Greece in the early 1970s.
  • Stefan, a German photographer, comes to the Greek island of Donusa where he meets a beautiful girl, Eleni. Eleni seems to hiding a secret about her life. When Eleni commits suicide, initially everyone believes that Stefan is responsible for this action.