搜索 Aran

  • 迈克尔(Vijay Sethupathi 饰)与女友阿努( Ramya Nambeeshan饰)住在一起,在一家比萨饼店担任送货员。有一天,阿努宣布她怀孕了,他面临着两难的境地。他们决定结婚并存钱以备以后举行盛大的狂欢。但有一天,在例行送货时,披萨碎了……
  • A young english teacher with a troubled past arrives in the ancient city of Varanasi to spend a few weeks with her aunt who works at an old missionary. it follows the recent suicide of her own mother and a letter she left with a pendant to bring back to her sister. When she arrives she soon learns about a serial killer…
  • The feature film will highlight the vibrant culture of a place which was once the hub of life during the Mughal rule.The film has been named after Paranthe Wali Gali, Old Delhi's famous by-lane known for its wide array of tempting paranthas, because the place will be shown as a backdrop of the film.
  • 이성적인 된장녀 시원과 감성적인 된장녀 하루. 그녀들은 오늘 남자들과의 술자리가 맘에 들지 않는다. 돈많고 멋진 아는 오빠의 술집을 향해 늦은 밤 택시를 잡아타는데... 시원, 눈을 떠보니 어둠 속에서 하루의 비명이 들린다. 100평 남짓한 창고안에 둘은 쇠사슬로 묶여있고 한 남자에 의해 학대를 당하게 된다. 한명이 학대를 당할…
  • zhagappan (Mammootty) a successful hotelier and father of four small children has lost his wife (whose face is not shown in the photo) in an accident. College student Swapna (Madhoo) play pranks on him and also falls in love with him but Azhagappan refuses her love considering the age difference between him. Though ill…
  • In a medical center in Thailand, where ladyboys go to get cosmetic surgery, a group of young gangsters break in for an urgent operation.
  • 某医院青年医生伊凡是个热情负责的医生,他发现了医院里有很多问题,提出过很多批评和建议。很快和他的同行和老同学德米特里发生了矛盾,进而发生了激烈的冲突。德米特里是个心术不正、自私自利、向上爬的人。他盗窃同行的科学论文,骗取了硕士学位和副教授职位,破坏新的治疗方法,不惜牺牲病人的终身幸福和生命,来达到自己可耻的目的。此外,…
  • 讲的是噶尔丹准格尔时期的故事,女主角是噶尔丹之妻—阿奴可敦。她还是“蒙古民族主义”史观力捧的“蒙古国民族女英雄。清康熙35年(公元1896年),清康熙帝统帅20万大军再次亲征噶尔丹,在库伦以南的昭莫多草原,两军展开残酷的厮杀,阿奴率率女子弓箭手队奋力冲锋,由于寡不敌众,为掩护丈夫噶尔丹顺利突围,不幸战场上中弹身亡。
  • 本片改编自90年代发生在北方邦加济阿巴德的两大同族敌对势力混战的真实故事。一派以Satbir Gujjar为首,一派以Mahender Fauji Bainsla Gujjar为首,两派争端不断、难解难分,只有警官Pritam Singh才能终结这一切。