搜索 Geetha

  • The film follows lead actor Kamal Hassan who plays a singer and his band on a tour to Singapore. Over there Kamal meets his love interest (played by Jayaprada). Kamal immediately is attracted and begin to spend more time with her. He also notices that something peculiar and fishy surrounds her life. Meanwhile, Rajnikan…
  • 这是一部关于四胞胎阴差阳错的喜剧,在出生时分开了,成年后生活在一起。
  • zhagappan (Mammootty) a successful hotelier and father of four small children has lost his wife (whose face is not shown in the photo) in an accident. College student Swapna (Madhoo) play pranks on him and also falls in love with him but Azhagappan refuses her love considering the age difference between him. Though ill…
  • 根据印度大史诗《摩诃婆罗多》中大英雄迦尔纳与难敌王的之间广为流传的友情改编成的现代黑帮题材故事。被未婚母亲抛弃在火车上的Surya,从小在平民窟长大。一次出于义愤打死了作恶多端的高利贷债主,因而触怒了当地黑帮首领Devaraj,被捕入狱。然而当得知手下的恶行后,Deva主动纠正错误,救出了Surya。二人从此之后成为生死之交,一起锄强扶弱…
  • 达马(拉克西特·谢蒂饰)是个从小失去亲人、个性孤僻的工人,忽然一日遭受车祸受伤的一条流浪狗意外触动了他内心某根脆弱的心弦,于是达马把狗狗带回家,并根据自己最喜欢的喜剧演员给狗狗起名为查理,从此双方相依为命,达马的生活渐渐温情起来。谁知好景不大,查理被检查出了癌症,来日无多。于是,达马决定带着他远行北方去看雪,一路上奇遇…
  • Aalwar, a priest, disguises himself as Shiva, a ward boy by day and a vigilante by night, in order to take revenge on the people who killed his mother and sister.
  • Sam Alexander (Mohanlal), a fun loving automobile workshop cum garage owner is more keen in scripting and directing plays than running his business. A theater addict, Sam, along with his friends, Pappu Mesthiri (Jagathi Sreekumar), Mammoonju (Kunjan), and Preman (Premkumar), is now working on Shakuntahlam, the famous p…
  • “啊”的一声惨叫,一位在墓地降生的孩子(维克拉姆饰)失去了他的母亲,被作为一名“焚尸人”养大,命途多舛的他失去了养父,独自一人去面对这个纷繁的世界,命运的安排让他遇到了一位市井小混混萨克狄(苏利耶饰),两人的相遇会擦出怎样的火花,演绎怎样的爱恨情仇呢......PS:这是维叔和苏帅的唯一一次合作,并且取得了当年的很多奖项。