- Stan is a typical 18-year-old, except that his dad is the Devil. The freshly-turned young adult is tasked by his father to go to earth and create chaos and bring about the downfall of humanity. However, as an 18-year-old, Stan has other plans. Like most children just out of the nest, Stan likes to socialize, to drink a…
- 多浪迪警官被关在了监狱之中,他必须要找出能让自己成功越狱的方法。思来想去,多浪迪警官想到了一出妙招:他要在监狱里举办一场足球赛。这场足球赛的参与者将是监狱服刑人员和狱警组成的足球队。而多浪迪警官测期望自己能在足球比赛中趁乱逃出监狱。