- En todo el mundo, la globalización neoliberal impacta de un modo específico en el trabajo de las mujeres. Mujeres de El Salvador, El País Vasco y Argentina nos acercarán sus problemáticas y también sus estrategias de resistencia y empoder…
- In this Sufi tale, Nadia, a young Moroccan emigre returns from Paris to Fez to visit her dying father.
- Young man who had lost his father falls in love with the local Chieftain's daughter, who opposes the romance. Only a miracle can save the couple's love affair and Our Lady of Charity intervenes in the name of justice.
- Kamel, a young man from the french ghetto, near Paris, is coming back to France. He was arrested for dealing drugs, he spent five years in jail and was banned from France for two years. He tries, with his family's support, to find a job and live a normal life. But nothing's normal in the ghetto.
- Emmy Coer, a computer genius, devises a method of communicating with the past by tapping into undying information waves. She manages to reach the world of Ada Lovelace, founder of the idea of a computer language and proponent of the possibilities of the "difference engine." Ada's ideas were stifled and unfulf…
- 日籍巴西人马里奥(TEAH 饰)和非法滞留日本的中国女孩琪(李嘉欣 饰)相恋。在琪即将被遣送回国之际,马里奥乘直升机袭击了管理局的车辆,救出爱人。为了躲避警方追捕,远走高飞。这对情侣购买了假护照,却被爱慕琪的中国黑帮老大高(及川光博 饰)所毁掉。接下来的日子里,马里奥和巴西伙伴们四处筹钱,他们策划洗劫高的斗鸡场,阴差阳错抢走…