- The story of a humble widowed man named Ordoto Balbuena, who is in a difficult economic situation as he is jobless. He meets with a friend called Fellito who promises to take him to New York. Despite his doubts, Balbuena is convinced that everything will be fine. Balbuena then goes to New York and live the "Americ…
- Arthur, 15, falls in love with Ouassima, who doesn't even look at him. While he has never been in love, she is dating Matt, the handsome kid from college. To get closer to her, Arthur gathers a group of single losers and offers to give them lessons in fishing, at 10 euros per lesson. In the changing rooms of the swimmi…
- 时尚顽童Jean Paul Gaultier多年来以创意挑战一切社会定型,高举怪人旗号,颂赞每个人的独特奇异之处。 2018年,他更创作出一场跨越时装、电影、剧场、舞蹈的「时尚怪人show」,放在巴黎最著名的剧院内上演,用最艳丽夺目的方式诉说一生故事︰儿时的变性小熊公仔如何启发「爱美神飞弹」设计、爱人Francis如何成就今日的他……Jean Paul…
- This story is about a man who drinks and wakes up in the morning with a girl whom he does not know. When he gradually starts to fall in love with her, he must choose between love and practicality.