搜索 Armitage

  • A short film depicting a dad's influence on a young boy's life. His judgmental character mixed with the boys fondness for his dad prove to be a toxic mix that tears away at a world of opportunity and experiences.
  • In a major new BBC commission, acclaimed poet Simon Armitage has written seven new poems about World War I that form the centre of his latest television documentary.Armitage visits French beaches, German prison camps, so-called 'thankful' villages and remote corners of the Scottish Highlands as he considers the death o…
  • 不久前刚刚得知自己怀孕的艾玛(布丽特·摩根 Brit Morgan 饰),怀着异样复杂的心情随同尚不知情的男友麦克(希斯·戴维·米切尔 Seth David Mitchell 饰)来到一处位于雪山冰原之间的小镇度假。无垠旷野,万籁俱寂,看似一切都是那么浪漫美好,但是他们驾驶雪地摩托时遭遇事故,二人相互搀扶,勉强回到帐篷。在完全没有信号的深山腹地,麦克他…
  • Poet Simon Armitage traces the evolution of the Arthurian legend through the literature of the medieval age and reveals that King Arthur is not the great national hero he is usually considered to be. He's a fickle and transitory character who was appropriated by the Normans to justify their conquest, he was cuckolded w…
  • 诗人西蒙·阿米蒂奇在英国诗歌《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》中,发现了大约600年前,一位不知名的作者写就的王冠珠宝。这首诗几乎囊括一切 - 这是一个充满动感的冒险:鬼故事,浪漫传奇,道德警示,更是世界上第一个生态诗。阿米蒂奇的脚步跟随诗中的英雄--高文,通过一些英国最美丽,最神秘的景观,揭示了为什么骑士斩首绿巨人这个荒诞的故事,在今天…
  • 米奇(吉恩·凯利 Gene Kelly 饰)的父亲去世了,遵循他的遗愿,米奇将父亲的遗体送往法国,哪知道航空公司闹出了乌龙,将遗体送错了地方,好在航空公司的工作人员艾伦(米基·盖纳 Mitzi Gaynor 饰)及时出手,找回了遗体。机智聪慧的艾伦给米奇留下了深刻的印象,然而,为了继续自己的事业,米奇不得不匆匆离开返回美国。之后,艾伦的样子常常…
  • 黄金一小时
    Medical drama based on a team of specialist trauma staff. The Golden Hour refers to the hour immediately following a serious injury and is the most critical period in the victim's survival. (from imdb)讲述一直特别急救队的故事。“黄金一小时”指受重伤后的第一个小时,这一个小时的急救是否及时对于伤者能否存活至关重要。