- This feature-length tape documents one month in a trailer park/motel in Oklahoma, following passing weather systems and the parade of people passing by."The tape ultimately addresses all the big questions-death, origin and family, religion-as well as the small discomforts of the body, only to reverse their order o…
- Judith, an investigative journalist, begins to unravel a murder mystery that implicates one of her current lovers. When she checks out a peep-show business on the seedy side of Hamburg as part of the investigation, she runs into a former boyfriend who used to be a psychiatrist but is now an arms dealer. Judith is lured…
- Four high school friends believe the local myth that developer Swenson killed a kid for trespassing years earlier and got away with it. When one of the four friends disappears, the remaining three believe Swenson killed their friend and they take revenge. When their friend then shows up alive they must deal with the co…