搜索 Arwa

  • 故事发生在1970年代,乔治.克汉是一个生活在英国索尔弗德市的巴基斯坦人,自己经营着一家私人店铺。乔治.克汉的妻子埃拉是个地地道道的英国人,出生在英格兰西北部的兰开夏州。他们一共有七个孩子。乔治一心想让一家人遵从传统的巴基斯坦价值标准和道德观念,但无奈的是七个孩子都有他们自己的想法。对乔治来说,生活更像是一次漫长的妥协。顽皮…
  • based on the novel by Ihsan Abdel Qoddous, A Man in Our House stars Omar Sharif as a member of the underground resistance to the British occupation of Egypt in the 1940's who seeks refuge from the Political Police in the home of a civil servant and his family.
  • The daughter of an international tycoon is kidnapped by a trio of abductors who seek to mold her to their lifestyle.
  • Surya (Mahesh Babu) comes to Mumbai with a sole aim to become "Bhai" for the city. He starts his mission by recruiting rowdies for monthly salaries. He eyes Mumbai Police Commissioner's daughter Chitra (Kajal) and loves her. How did he become Bhai and turn out to a big Businessman
  • 电影剧情
  • 这部1995年的电影以印度传奇女土匪普兰提毗的传记为原型。普兰提毗于1963年生于印度北方邦的一个低种姓家庭,很小时候就被嫁给了一个中年男人。后来她逃家,加入土匪帮,成为匪帮里唯一的女性,并与一位匪帮成员相恋。她曾经饱受侮辱,也曾是匪帮的首领,也曾被政府招安,从阶下囚到 土匪女王,她不甘屈服于自己种姓,奋力反抗,在短暂如流星一…
  • 本片的故事是在两个欢喜冤家式的CP间展开的,总的就是没有正行的男主角阿拉文德(吉瓦饰)为了追回女主角不停地耍宝卖萌,运用各种“计谋”追回女主角,也就是我们卡加饰演的迪薇亚。
  • 秘密是相爱的人之间最大的敌人,就像一颗定时炸弹,伺机等待毁掉美好的一切。瑞罕听从沙伊娜的建议,为了更好的工作和生活离开印度再次来到罗马尼亚,沙伊娜兴高采烈的规划着二人未来的生活,却得不到瑞罕的赞同与支持,甚至爆发了更激烈的争吵。沙伊娜隐约感觉瑞罕有心事却不肯说,而更可怕的是沙伊娜渐渐的开始看见一些别人看不到的东西,甚至…
  • 电影剧情
    Jennifer, a Harvard PhD student, was signing a check at a restaurant when she found she could not write her own name. Months before her wedding, she became progressively more ill, losing the ability even to sit in a wheelchair. When doctors insisted that her condition was psychosomatic, she picked up her camera to docu…
  • Bollywood Diaries is a tribute to passionate aspiring actors. It chronicles the journey of three unrelated souls, who dream to make it big in Bollywood. The plot encompasses a guy working at a call-center in Delhi, a middle-aged government servant from Bhilai and a prostitute from Sonagachi Kolkata. With their sheer pa…