搜索 Nirmal

  • 穆斯坎是一个失去双亲的孤儿,她的堂兄维沙尔极度的护着她,不让她受到伤害。穆斯坎住在堂兄和叔叔家的农院从小和穆斯坎一起长大的朋友 —— 乌嘉拉从小就一直单恋着 维沙尔但他却不解风情后来穆斯坎决定要到孟买上大学 在学校里 穆斯坎遇了一个整天和成绩差的学生混在一起,无法和继母和睦相处并且疏远父亲的男孩——苏拉吉,苏拉吉对穆斯坎一…
  • Raj Dixit lives with his younger brother, Rahul, who is disabled, both mentally and physically, from birth. Raj is also employed full-time, and after work, has the responsibility of looking after Rahul, which leaves him no time for himself. His beautiful neighbor, Suman Gupta, is attracted to him, but he regards her as…
  • 根据印度大史诗《摩诃婆罗多》中大英雄迦尔纳与难敌王的之间广为流传的友情改编成的现代黑帮题材故事。被未婚母亲抛弃在火车上的Surya,从小在平民窟长大。一次出于义愤打死了作恶多端的高利贷债主,因而触怒了当地黑帮首领Devaraj,被捕入狱。然而当得知手下的恶行后,Deva主动纠正错误,救出了Surya。二人从此之后成为生死之交,一起锄强扶弱…
  • Tensions run high near the border of British India, which is about to be partitioned with a new country called Pakistan. Sikhs living in this border town have heard numerous stories of Muslims killing, raping, and looting other Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians, and many of whom are their friends and relatives. Enraged at …
  • 导演细腻的探讨了易装、强奸及女性社会地位。乡下女在结婚前夕被绑架到妓院,然后逃出来,并遇到男扮女装的流浪艺人。她求他带她回家却被拒绝,结果她被轮奸。后来他答应陪她回家,并把她的长发剪短,使她变成俊俏的男生。于是错综复杂的性别认同掀起了感人的另类爱情故事 。请看下面的影评。
  • 这部1995年的电影以印度传奇女土匪普兰提毗的传记为原型。普兰提毗于1963年生于印度北方邦的一个低种姓家庭,很小时候就被嫁给了一个中年男人。后来她逃家,加入土匪帮,成为匪帮里唯一的女性,并与一位匪帮成员相恋。她曾经饱受侮辱,也曾是匪帮的首领,也曾被政府招安,从阶下囚到 土匪女王,她不甘屈服于自己种姓,奋力反抗,在短暂如流星一…
  • 电影剧情
  • The film is about two lovers Ayesha Verma (Sameera Reddy) and Ajay (Sohail Khan). Ayesha moves to the city and joins the same college Ajay is studying in. Their friendship starts wonderfully, along with the others; Vicky,Sada,Eijaaz and Chhotu (ARYANS), until Ajay and Ayesha fall in love. The rest of the movie is how t…