搜索 Ashley

  • 电影恐怖
    four friends who partake in a popular Los Angeles escape room, owned by Brice , and find themselves stuck with a demonically possessed killer. Sean Young plays the keeper of a box containing an evil demon. The friends have less than an hour to solve the puzzles needed to escape the room alive
  • Gunz (Dylan Duffus) is thrust into a world of excitement when he joins the TIC crew. The crew, led by the ruthless Hoodz (Scorcher), goes from low level weed peddling to full on armed robberies within a fortnight. Their new found infamy affords them a life of guns, drugs, and girls but they also catch the attention of …
  • 2016 and a night in a gay sauna turns into a fight for survival, while a relationship of a different kind becomes heated on a night out in London’s Soho. In 1962 literary revelations strike two men sitting on a park bench speaking Polari a…
  • On Halloween night, we follow a troublesome brother and sister, an abused wife, and a sleazy politician who all get kidnapped by a villainous group called F.R.E.A.K.
  • Dan Eldon是一名出生于英国的肯尼亚摄影记者、艺术家和活动家。他和三名同事在摩加摩加的一场战斗中被一群愤怒的暴徒用石头砸死。他留下了一系列的期刊,这些期刊已经出版了三本书,“旅程是目的地”,“Dan Eldon,生命的艺术”和“旅行作为一种生活方式”。
  • 4月21日,英女王将迎90岁大寿,ITV电视台播出纪录片,揭秘女王鲜为人知的故事。凯特王妃献出首次采访,讲述奶奶的趣事,女王总是给乔治和夏洛特送小礼物哦。威廉王子和小贝等重量级人物纷纷出镜。
  • 一群科学家正在进行时间旅行的实验,他们要把其中一位科学家送到一小时之后,这位科学家回来后却告诉他们:如果不立刻关掉时间旅行的机器,大家将在一小时内丧命。
  • 一座寂静的小镇里,一位古稀老人领受了上帝的旨意,用中世纪的野蛮手法惩罚人类,替上帝洗清世人的罪恶,清算世人的劣行。没有人知道他要扮演多久上帝惩罚者的角色,甚至连他自己都不清楚这种清算会持续到何时,他只知道自己在这条路上越走越远。直到有一天,他扮演的上帝惩罚者却要不幸地伤及自己心爱的孙女……
  • 小鎮近日血案頻傳,警方調查發現受害者身上滿是野獸齒痕,且種種跡象顯示是附近森林裡的野狼所為。到了月圓之夜,一名同樣遭受野狼攻擊致死的女子從墳墓中爬了出來,她發現自己的動作變得敏捷、力量異常強大,一股嗜血的渴望不斷湧上心頭…她逐漸意識到自己身肩著重大使命,因為只有她才能阻止狼群的攻擊再度發生!
  • Deep in the heart of Las Vegas, Nevada a group of local up and coming escorts become targets for murder! A deranged slasher is on the loose and out for revenge. From the studios that brought you Amerikan Holokaust and Die Die Delta comes a blood-soaked tale about prostitutes who fall victim to a mysterious slasher.....