搜索 Ashley

  • When an idealistic romantic gets fired from his day job, he is offered a "one-time gig" to break up a girl's relationship for her disapproving parents. This "one-time" gig spreads through word-of-mouth and he ends up becoming a professional match-breaker. However, he ends up falling for one of his c…
  • 电影恐怖
    青春靓丽的女子莫丽·哈特莉(莎拉·林德 Sarah Lind 饰)和朋友们在一家舞厅庆祝她的24岁生日,当晚她似乎受到什么神秘力量的蛊惑,整个人变得有些神志不清,无法左右自己的言行。次日一早,两名警察上门,结果在莫丽的浴室里发现两具尸体。在此之后,莫丽被诊断精神上有问题而关进了精神病院。病院的治疗并没有任何好转,莫丽的异状反而愈演愈…
  • 广播电台经理Gary Connors威胁要解雇所有为他的电台 KNUT 工作的唱片师,因为一位重要的广告商表示,除非收视率在本周末有所改善,否则他们将取消所有广告。性感的 DJ Tasty Tastums 和她的唱片师伙伴们决定通过从播放摇滚音乐转向直播各种与性有关的色情主题来纠正这种情况。
  • 电影剧情
    当父母的财政问题威胁到了Ashley上大学的梦想时,这个高中生决定自己来解决这个问题。她和她的朋友们将她们的保姆工作变成了为奶爸们开放的三陪服务,并大获成功。但在这个郊外的小社区里,没有什么秘密,并且FBI也开始调查这个组织……  When her parents' financial problems threaten Ashley's dreams for coll…
  • 美國國土安全部探員馬汀在監控網路活動時,意外地看到一對分隔兩地的夫妻的親密視訊對話,而這對夫妻慢慢的發現他們的新家裡有著其他不速之客。
  • Novella McClure is like most struggling actresses in Los Angeles: she's in her early 30s, her fake name sounded cooler ten years ago, and she hasn't landed a role in three years. To top it all off, she's developed a disturbing habit of eating her own flesh. Novella desperately tries to hide her strange condition from h…
  • 电影喜剧
  • As the unsuspecting young women, Erika and Amy, get in their car, a sadistic predator in black equipped with a gas-mask knocks them out and abducts them. From this point on, an endless nightmare of unspeakable torment awaits the helpless victims--who are drugged and chained down by their throats to wooden tables--throu…
  • 电影
    An intimate, mixed media documentary that follows Tig Notaro, a Los Angeles based comedian, who just days after being diagnosed with invasive stage II breast cancer changed the course of her career with a poignant stand-up set that became legendary overnight. This documentary explores Tig's extraordinary journey as her…
  • In 1971, 'On Any Sunday' starring Steve McQueen opened in theatres and wrote its place in motorcycle history. It also transcended the sport to reach a wide audience through a cast of engaging characters and variety of heartfelt stories. 'On Any Sunday, The Next Chapter' will continue this family tradition and also pass…