- A conspiracy-theorizing filmmaker meets with a prospective producer in order to pitch a movie about the death of real-life German politician Uwe Barschel, in which the official ruling of suicide raised more questions than answers.
- Cæcilia Holbek Trier已年近50,1977年毕业于丹麦的设计学院,专攻摄影.也是名画家.其后在丹麦国家电影学院学习.曾在拉斯 凡 提尔的<瘟疫>,<欧洲特快列车>中饰演角色,和那些不甘于某一领域局限的艺术家一样,Cæcilia Holbek Trier自1985开始手执导筒,经过多次的纪录片和电视的制作,她拍摄了自己的第一部电影,儿童剧"N…
- A group from a ten to sixteen-year-old Danish educational center breaks the rules there and goes to an uninhabited island in a stolen boat. When the boat disappears, they are left to themselves, and their holiday turns into a nightmare: peer pressure, serious violence, accidents. But for some of them also an experience…