- Heartless follows Sofie and Sebastian - two siblings meijubar.net with a deep dark and fatal secret. In order to survive they must suck energy out of other people. We follow their quest for answers as to why they are this way and their search leads them to Ottmannsgaard, a boarding school with plenty of deep dark secre…
- Food Evolution looks at one of the most critical questions facing the world today-that of food security-and demonstrates the desperate need for common sense, solid information, and calm logical deliberation. Using the often angry and emotional controversy over genetically-modified foods as its entry point, Food Evoluti…
- 名字里到底隐含了什么秘密?是谋杀?曼斯特此次要处理的是一件女子在家被掐致死的案件。奇怪的是他去到案发现场的时候,凶手也还没开。在凶手逃跑之际,他们发现凶手故意留给自己的一本绝版书。当另一个无辜人士受害之后,范维特伦找到了这名连环杀手的作案规律。原来,他是每次杀害了一个人就给他按照19世纪犯罪小说中的主角的名字重新命名。 …
- This series was made as a result of the BBC's hugely successful and popular series "The Genius of Mozart". Both series follow the same format, a cross between a drama and a documentary (docudrama), each series is made of three episodes of an hour each, and each is mixed with insightful pieces of narration by …