搜索 Atheridis

  • 对俊美的加尼斯(Anthimos Ananiadis 饰)来说,他拥有的可能是世界上最幸福美满的家庭:把家里整理得井然有序的0爸爸,成功经营女性内衣专卖店的1爸爸,还有一份稳定工作。然而年轻的他却有着见不得光的秘密。无论他再怎么掩饰,就是克制不了那股爱的冲动。尽管同在一家餐厅里工作的女孩索菲亚(Kanellina Menouti 饰)已经有了稳定交往…
  • Through this film our aim is to promote the fascinating personality of Nikos Kazantzakis, as well as the enchanting scenery of Greece that molded him into the man he became. The great Cretan writer used to say that his life was defined by his travels and his dreams. This is exactly what the director is planning to achi…