搜索 Auerbach

  • 一群陌生的流浪汉闯进了托尼的家里。在这群无赖中,有一位失意的姑娘。托尼试图帮助这位姑娘的同时,却无意间卷入了一场和黑道的纠纷。到底这个姑娘为什么失意?黑道为什么一而再再而三的骚扰她?而她又莫名其妙的多出一个5岁的女儿。这一切让托尼的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。
  • 55 year old Bernd is looking forward to a quiet weekend at the lake with his best friend Klaus, 56 and his brother Peter, 53. But when Peter decides to bring along Casanova Murat, 37 hopes for a harmonic get together wane thanks to Bernd's dislike for him. He calms down a bit when Klaus opens up about his plan to extra…
  • Born in Portugal, Paula Rego is one of Britain's leading artists. This intimate film follows the artist from her retrospective in Madrid to the privacy of her studio in London while she talks with humor and candor about her compulsion to produce works that, though accessible, deal with the most private themes.
  • Six million dollars suddenly goes up for grabs when an aged diner's heart fails after he discovers that he has won the lottery. Which of the remaining late-night dining regulars will get the cash? How many will have to die to get the answer?
  • 一次从洛杉矶到哥斯达黎加的冲浪旅程,参与成员都是60年代以来的冲浪运动员。当五名从未经历过冲浪的奥地利人只身上路时,事情变得非同一般:是一部喜剧,一场哲学的娱乐,同时也是对这帮冲浪者纨绔子弟本身的一次探索。
  • In the attic of an ancestral home, a devil worshiping sadist, Jezebeth Blandy (Bree Michaels), at war with God, unwittingly discovers a nineteenth century diary that details the summoning ...
  • 小混混米奇成事不足败事有余,还欠了一屁股债,偷鸡不成差点蚀把米时,却歪打正着坐上一辆偷车逃跑。谁知车厢里藏着的正是被朋友出卖伦敦黑社会头目狂徒巴克。成了通缉犯的巴克出人意料的让米奇执掌社团24小时,临危受命的米奇能否不辱使命成为第二个巴克?
  • 远古调查队的专家们借助于现代技术,使用先进的数字取证实验室,并利用最新的科学发现,以解开古代历史上最大的谜团。
  • The true story of Germany's first female bank-robber who turned from a shy wallflower into the notorious Banklady.
  • 电影
    亿万富翁运动员巴迪·金通过在他的偏远山区庄园狩猎人类俘虏来放松身心,但他的最新受害者Ava Bravo让他遇到麻烦。