搜索 Avet

  • 电视剧
    有时,我们向宇宙提出一个请求,却不知道只有两个部会回应所有人的请求:"众善部 "里是好人和傻瓜,而 "万恶部",如你所见,是由效率超高的管理者组成。突然间,一个简单的请求打破了自然进程,现在,一个普通圣彼得堡家庭的命运将决定着“人类计划”项目是否会被部长们关闭。
  • 电视剧穿越
  • John Cassavetes par Thierry Jousse
    Sitting at the moviola beside the critic Thierry Jousse, we analyse the cinema of John Cassavetes, from his first to his last work as a director. In this film essay, Jousse’s insight and passion take us inside the creative universe of Cassavetes, a wholly modern body of work, capable of opening up paths that were previ…
  • Mavka-abeautifulforestnymphandsouloftheForest-facesanimpossiblechoicebetweenloveandherdutyasguardiantotheHeartoftheForest,whenshefallsinlovewithahuman-thetalentedyoungmusicianLukash.Ourstoryisaboutthemagicalpoweroflove.Thatkindoflovethatenableshumannaturetofindthemagicwithinandrevealsabilitiesandqualitiesthatempowerape…
  • Examining the startling, never-before-seen video evidence of aquatic hominids that has come forward since the documentary MERMAIDS: THE BODY FOUND first aired in 2012, with the original whistle blower on the Mermaid Conspiracy, Dr. Paul Robertson. Written by Anonymous
  • From 1972 to 1974, the Watergate scandal was frequently a part of “The Dick Cavett Show.” In fact, Cavett was at the forefront of national TV coverage, interviewing nearly every major Watergate figure as the crisis unfolded. With exclusive…
  • When a professor of religious studies is forced to investigate why his students are being murdered, he discovers what ended his own life and is then reborn.
  • 通过Dick Cavett主持的采访节目《Dick Cavett真人秀》,描绘了 关于为何美国会卷入越南战争的历史和争议。The history and controversy of America's involvement in the Vietnam War, illustrated by interviews from "The Dick Cavett Show".
  • A chronic alcoholic spends all his time spying on his neighbor, waiting for the right moment to kill him.