- Borley Rectory is an animated documentary chronicling what came to be known as 'The most haunted house in England'. The legends attached to the rectory at Borley and famed paranormal investigator Harry Price's subsequent investigations of them, caught the public's imagination during the late 20's in time becoming one o…
- The little known but extraordinary story of Prince Charles Edward, the current Queen's cousin and youngest grandson of Queen Victoria, who became embroiled in the Nazi war machine
- Lynda.com 出品的时长38分钟的 商标设计创意灵感 视频教程。由有八十年高龄的印刷专家,标识设计师,作家和教师 Doyald Young 讲述了选择牛津英语词典里优雅的文字字体工艺标准,跟随他到帕萨迪纳艺术中心学院共享他的未来设计才华,还必须谨慎的重复多次审查所制作的图形,学习用铅笔在薄纸上一页页的手工描绘美工曲线字体。 From h…