搜索 Avner

  • 《有缺陷的侦探》——这是一步在Cartoon Brew TV上受到关注的动画短片。Avner Geller和Stevie Lewis一起为我们制作了了这个可爱的短片。它讲述了一个倒霉的侦探在追捕一个连环杀手时遇到的事。他们采取了二维和三维动画结合的方式,无论是渲染,纹理,建模和设计都相当华丽。短片因幽默的情节而广受好评。
  • The first show ever shown on the SciFi Channel, FTL Newsfeeds were 30 second snippets of fictitious news info that were supposed to have come from the year 2142. This future timeline was fraught with stories of genetic engineering issues, technology trends, space exploration, future entertainment, right to privacy issu…
  • Moe begins dating a little person he met on the Internet, while Maggie is being bullied at the playground next to Moe's where Homer is leaving her.Season 20, Episode 16
  • A teenager who is struggling with the usual trials of adolescence also has to deal with his homosexuality in the dramatic comedy The Story Of A Bad Boy.Pauly (Jeremy Hollingworth) is a 17-year-old Catholic boy who was booted from the parochial school he attended for kissing a nun. While he has an on-and-off girlfriend …
  • Springfield's theme park Krustyland, run by Krusty the Clown, is opening it's newest roller coaster, the upsy-downsy spins-aroundsy teen-operated thrill ride is opening, and in this ...http://www.renrendianyingwang.cn
  • 夜深人静,整个城市似乎都已陷入深深的沉睡之中。街道两旁耸立着笨重老旧的公寓,这其中只有一幢公寓的某个房间闪耀着微弱的黄色灯光。这里住着一名侦探,他曾破下无数大案,也有许多凶杀案悬而未决,令他颇为挠头。突然,楼上居住的老妇人家里传来凄厉的尖叫声,紧跟着一滩鲜红的液体顺着楼板的缝隙滴落下来。侦探吓了一跳,莫非老妇人被某个凶…
  • 《辛普森一家20周年3D特别版》节目,该片由获得奥斯卡提名的电影制作人摩根斯普尔洛克(Morgan Spurlock,《超级汉堡王》、《厄夜三十》)担任制片和导演。这部特别版的纪录片将为“永远的辉煌20年”活动画上一个圆满的句号,这项长达一年的全球性的庆祝活动开始于2009年1月,并将在20周年系列剧首映时达到高潮。在《辛普森一家20周年3D特别…
  • ◎ 片  名:血和肉 Flesh & Blood (2007) IMDB:1297273◎ 类  别:纪录片◎ 导  演:Larry Silverman◎ 主  演:Dennis Avner ....HimselfSteve Haworth ....HimselfFakir Musafar ....Himself (archive footage)Stelarc ....Himself (archive footage)◎ 其他中文片名:穿皮入肉…