- An architect and his lover are found dead after a party; Peregrine and James retrace the partygoers' movements, but it's proving difficult.by:www.2kyb.com
- 凭《美国犯罪故事》赢得艾美奖的创作者带来新剧《怪物:杰夫瑞·达默的故事》,探讨达默令人发指的骇人真实罪案,以及这位美国史上最恶名昭彰的连环杀人犯如何利用美国多重制度崩坏,在十多年间明目张胆地杀人如麻。
- Now 15 years old, Luci grew up alone with her slutty mother in a poor district of London. After her mother's suicide, Robert, her mother's former high-school boyfriend, brings Luci to his home where she meets his rich wife Aimee and their teenage son. However, Robert is not the boy's biological father. Luci makes Rober…