搜索 Ayesha

  • Four friends Raj Malhotra, Boney, Neelam Chaudhary and Sheetal decide to play a practical joke on Sheetal's dad Kailash Nath. They telephone Kailash and tell him that his daughter has been kidnapped and demand a ransom of Rs. 200,000. Things seem to go according to plan until the police headed by Raj's elder brother Su…
  • A ruthless philanthropist. A bhangra rapper. An over-protected prodigy. A reckless actress. A lovelorn businessman. An entrepreneurial yogi. And a Loin King. Enter a roller-coaster world of seven strangers whose lives collide during a singing contest in a small New Jersey town.Over three days, in a small New Jersey tow…
  • K沉迷烟瘾不能自拔,妻子阿嘉莉因为不能忍受他而离家出走,并声称如果K不能戒烟就永远不回来。这下他意识到问题的严重性,于是决定戒烟。在一家康复中心,K见到了巴芭·孟加,康复中心的负责人。起初K并不相信巴芭能将他的烟瘾戒掉,并对巴芭的治疗手段颇有微词,在一系列“斗争”之后,K神奇地戒掉了烟瘾,妻子也回到了她身边,故事圆满结局。
  • 夜,大雨如注。警察在湖心的一条小船上找到索拉蚩时,索拉蚩已经烂醉如泥。像这种借酒消愁的日子,索拉蚩不知道过了多久。自从爱妻的肖像被自己亲手交给占拉德父子后,爱妻就在孟买飞往新德里的一次航班中因空难而丧生。爱妻的死,与占拉德父子有关,但索拉蚩不能饶恕自己,尽管这种选择是为了营救一个叫雅莎的无辜姑娘。索拉蚩被带到警察局。为…
  • 在英属印度的法扎巴德,有一个名叫迪拉瓦尔(威什瓦吉特·普拉丹 Vishwajeet Pradhan 饰)的年轻人,在他的印度陆军尉官父亲作证后,被判处了几年的监禁。自此以后,他心怀报复之念。他绑架了一个名叫阿米兰的女孩,并将她卖给了一家舞馆。在那里,阿米兰被迫改名为贾安(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai Bachchan 饰)。随着时间的推移,贾安…
  • Anita & Me tells the tale of Meena Kumar, a twelve-year-old girl who is discovering life in a whole new light. She lives with her parents in a small mining town called Tollington, in the Black Country of England in the 1970's. She is forever dreaming of a life other than her own, something that her parents can't unders…
  • 一个年轻女性恐怖分子被派去完成刺杀使命, 组织的头目命令她完成任务后必须自杀,但她不屈服于命运....一部印度版的<<天生杀人狂>>!!