搜索 Ayne

  • When he finds a shark that can travel on land residing in his home, an ex-cop enlists the help of a grizzled former real estate agent, and an eccentric "house shark" m.ysgou.cc expert to kill the beast.
  • A young boy gets lost somewhere in between imagination and reality. His greed threatens to be the end of him as he stumbles upon a creature lurking in his attic.
  • Twisted tales of terror featuring an axe wielding maniac, a sinister matchmaker and sin eating creature from hell.
  • 电影喜剧
    哈尼(露西·弗莱 Lucy Fry 饰)在很小的时候凭借一首脍炙人口的神曲一炮而红,成为了首屈一指的青少年偶像,而她的母亲阿莱则顺理成章的成为了女儿的经纪人。阿莱是一个野心勃勃的女人,她发誓要将自己的女儿打造成为一代巨星,为此不惜付出一切代价。各种通告和活动挤占了哈尼的大部分时间,虽然哈尼看起来要远比同龄人成熟的多,可在内心深处…
  • 德西卡作品,此片秉承了意大利现实主义精髓,关注战后普通民生,剧情一波三折,演员演技精湛,镜头也十分讲究;一对相爱的小夫妻苦于无地可住,在遭遇家庭排挤、投奔朋友无解、租房无望后,急中生智,充分利用丈夫的手艺行当,意欲在一夜之间令“江山大改”,虽最后紧急关头屋顶尚留一方空白,但结尾处警察的高抬贵手,给本片留下温馨余味;片名…
  • 电影剧情
    求生的邻家女童, 赴死的奥运冠军, 无助的受骗股民, 破产的英国厂主, 豪赌的资本大鳄, 狂热的恐怖分子。 所有的这些都将被千钧一发的核大战化为灰烬? 那位天马行空、化腐朽为神奇、让上帝都微笑的杰克,这次又会带给人们什么样的希望? dianshiyu.com《天马•警世录》,一部看了还想再看的电影。
  • A paranormal investigation takes us inside the abandoned Camarillo State Mental Hospital in California. Featuring real archival footage, EVP, photos and interviews with the ghost hunters documenting the paranormal activity inside the reportedly haunted location.
  • A film about improvised music.Featuring Evan Parker, Eddie Prévost, Mats Gustafsson, Thurston Moore,Peter Brötzmann, John Tilbury, Chris Corsano and many more.一部关于自由即兴的短片。
  • While transporting the unstoppable killer Bonejangles to an asylum, a group of police officers encounter a hellish pit stop: a cursed town where the dead rise from their graves. Now the only way to save their lives and the town is to release Bonejangles and fight the curse...with something much worse.