搜索 Troy

  • Ein Oktopus hat den Mond zerstört
    Can school be exciting and even fun? The integrative pre-vocational August Sander school in Berlin-Friedrichshain at least seems the perfect place for this. The noise of the cars of the big city can be heard from the distance, birds are singing on the lush green grounds. Lessons here include horticulture, agriculture a…
  • 电影
    Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself in a town plagued with violence and corruption. Facing brutal attacks from the police and mafia, Dominique must decide whether to protect herself or an innocent family tha…
  • 电影明星
    她(麦当娜 Madonna 饰)是当今娱乐圈的超级巨星,她是专横跋扈的女王,她似乎从未学过该如何尊重身边的人,即使对待跟随自己七年之久的经纪人格兰(Michael Beattie 饰)也大呼小叫,如同对待一条毫不值钱的杂毛狗一样。在痛骂了经纪人后,我们的大明星钻进了停车场内一辆白色宝马车中,白人司机(克里夫·欧文 Clive Owen 饰)声称已…
  • 某个男子单身公寓内,住着三个性格各异却十分投缘的好哥们,分别是志愿成为导演的现如今正在录影带商店打工的横山要(山田孝之 饰)、偏差值为72的的药学科天才研究生真野真广(林遣都 饰)以及供职于快递公司且背肌力高达280公斤的新田广重(阿部进之介 饰)。他们的交往始于大学时代,当然这也多亏年龄最大的横山不断重考才让三人有了交集。历…
  • 德西卡作品,此片秉承了意大利现实主义精髓,关注战后普通民生,剧情一波三折,演员演技精湛,镜头也十分讲究;一对相爱的小夫妻苦于无地可住,在遭遇家庭排挤、投奔朋友无解、租房无望后,急中生智,充分利用丈夫的手艺行当,意欲在一夜之间令“江山大改”,虽最后紧急关头屋顶尚留一方空白,但结尾处警察的高抬贵手,给本片留下温馨余味;片名…
  • Clancy and his carnival of misfits, roll into a sleepy mid-western town for their annual Halloween festival. Some are looking for a good time. Clancy has something else on his mind.
  • 在印度包办婚姻的大环境下,两个年轻人创建了一个帮助有情人追求真爱进行私奔的网站。该网站在给与年轻人追逐自由恋爱和婚姻幸福的同时,也在挑战印度千百年来的传统习俗和世俗观念。
  • Six friends become prey for a sadistic psychopath when they decide to ditch their high school's after prom party for their own celebration at a secluded house.
  • Incontrol follows a group of university students who discover a device that allows them to take control of others, and experience the world through someone else. As they push the machine's abilities to its limits, they begin to question the device itself.