搜索 Balam

  • 五个朋友被邀请去其中一个的父亲家。他们决定拍下他们的周末,做一个小纪念。一切都没有按计划进行,他们的电影将成为奇怪、暴力、神秘和可怕的东西存在的证据。
  • 电影
  • 主人公出身贫寒,父亲是位制作印度传统打击乐器——咚咯鼓的手艺人。主人公自小热爱咚咯鼓,渴望能从顶级的音乐大师那里学习演奏咚咯鼓的技巧。这是一种高雅的打击乐器,在印度种姓制度的观念下,他受到古典音乐团体的排挤和家人的反对。凭借惊人的天赋和顽强的抗争,他最终冲破了种姓制度和社会阶级的禁锢,成为一名出色的鼓手。
  • Mahesh Bhavana from Idukki runs a photo studio and leads a happy contented life living along with his aging father, his darling pet dog, his friends & his lady love with whom he maintains a long distance relationship. One fine day, his rosy life is turned upside down with what could only be called a manifestation of th…
  • Adam is a 14-year-old boy who lives with his mother in a small two-room flat in Bondy, in the suburbs of Paris. He fails in school, although he is a bright pupil. Because of an unexpected event, he will reverse the situation with Mamadou, who is younger than him.
  • 满月
    弗里特·阿斯兰(Can Yaman)是一个非常成功的商人,而且非常有条理。他希望在他的私人生活和职业生涯中都有同样的方式。正在学习烹饪的纳兹利(Ozge Gurel)需要立即找到一份工作,因为她要负责支付她与朋友和妹妹分享的房子的费用。她是一个倔强和固执的人,所以她很难保住工作。两者完全相反,在这个系列中彼此相遇。