- In 2007, Matthew Barney and Jonathan Bepler began a new collaborative project inspired by American author Norman Mailer's 1983 novel Ancient Evenings, set in pharaonic Egypt. The project was conceived as a nontraditional opera with a series of one-time-only live acts performed across the American landscape. The film Ri…
- The topic of stem cells has been a matter of great debate for our generation. No other subject straddles the line between life and death such as the question over the validity of the use of stem cells to improve the lives of those who seem beyond repair.Led by a pioneer in the science world, Stephen Hawking, this speci…
- 所有人都喜欢食物。作为人类社会,我们喜欢看各类厨艺节目,美食杂志和各类烹饪网站。那么怎么可能,我们会把接近50%的食物丢弃到垃圾堆里的呢?制片人兼美食家的Grant Baldwin和Jenny Rustemeyer通过这部纪录片,向大家揭示了”食物浪费“这样一个问题,从农场到零售链,直到自家的冰箱橱柜里。在了解了北美每年会有近几十亿价值的食物被丢弃之…