- The series, Tiny Toon Adventures is considered to be one of the best Looney Tunes spin-offs to date. The Tiny Toons are basically kid-versions of other historic Looney Tunes. Buster Bunny is pretty much the new version of Bugs Bunny. Babs Bunny is basically the new version of Lola Bunny. Dizzy is the new version of Taz…
- 在好朋友Dayton的帮助下,Frankie终于适应了生活并开始探索作为人类的意义。当一个新的机器人到达Sepulveda高中,并且全世界都知道了机器人的存在时,事情变得非常复杂。同时WARPA公司带来新的威胁,Frankie必须努力保持她真实身份的秘密,并保护她朋友和家人的安全。