搜索 Bale

  • 一尊古埃及墓碑离奇出现在美国加利福尼亚的山谷中,引来一组考古学家和学者赶赴现场调查。借着墓碑的神奇力量和考古学家们的无心帮助,古埃及大女祭祀安娜•德特(Claudia Lynx 克劳蒂娅•林克斯 饰)从4000年的恒久睡眠里醒过来。安娜是混乱和邪恶之神,她有能够复活死者和获得永生的强大力量。她杀害了在场的人们,并俘获了六个木乃伊仆人。邪…
  • 故事发生在第二次世界大战期间,音乐艺术家彭比纳(德拉甘·尼柯立克 Dragan Nikolic 饰)在四处奔波的途中结识了名叫莉莉(塔尼娅·博斯科维奇 Tanja Boskovic 饰)的女孩。之后,在一场舞会中,两人意外遇见了一名德国军官,彭比纳决定让莉莉用美色诱惑军官,使他们得到前往南方的通行证。最终,这个计划失败了,彭比纳和他的朋友们遭到了纳粹…
  • Mussolini's government, in addition to making the railroads run on time (and other items not so good), could also produce a movie on a lavish scale, including over 6000 extras in the battle scenes. A story of the Second Punic Wars, beginning with Scipio's futile pleas to the Roman Senate to build an army to battle Hann…
  • Middle-aged banker Arthur Hamilton is given the opportunity to start a completely new life when he receives calls from his old friend Charlie. The only problem is that Charlie is supposed to be dead. Hamilton is eventually introduced to a firm that will fake his death and create an entirely new look and life for him. A…
  • 电影生活
  • This film comes from the Schloss Archive of His Highness, Herr Graf Ferdinand von Galitzien:I start off the second round of silent rarities from the Count's archive with the reconstructed version of Mauritz Stiller's 1916 silent "Balettprimadonnan". The film was thought to be lost until extended fragments wer…
  • 7,RuedeL'Arbaléte
    Stanley's girlfriend is coming to his house in few minutes. The whole action takes place in this short time between the instant he knows she is coming and the moment in which she arrives. A long continuous camera shot catches this real time and everything that happens in between.
  • 远赴吉尔吉斯拍摄,改编艾特马托夫同名中篇小说。影片讲述俄国十月革命结束不久,杜申退役后被派到偏远村庄当老师。但他所信仰的社会主义不被村民接受,他们拒绝让孩子接受教育,甚至趁着杜申进城的时候,将羊群赶进学校。阿蒂奈是一名孤儿,被阿姨领养,对学习有着强烈欲望,并在学习过程中喜欢上杜申了。阿姨却将她强行许配给当地一位很有的势…
  • The protagonist, a TV reporter fights to stop illegal activities around the city.