- A documentary which focuses on Indie Horror Filmmakers from around the world and the perils we're put through to bring your our films.
- Eric Woolfson's POE to centerstage with no less than the vocal virtuoso Steve Balsamo in the leading role and veteran stage actor David Burton as Poe's nemesis Rufus Griswold. Not only is the music itself exceptional but so is the story it tells of the trails and tribulations of Edgar Allan Poe thoughout his tragic lif…
- Rich and Benny are having trouble with the ladies, until they befriend a demon named Az. It's a non-stop party until a soul hungry beast leaps through an open portal from the underworld and starts terrorizing the town. It's up to Az and the boys to send the creature back to the depths where it came from, and look good,…
- L’ultimo Pulcinella, il film diretto da Maurizio Scaparro, protagonista Massimo Ranieri, girato fra Napoli e Parigi, ripercorre il viaggio di un attore napoletano, Michelangelo che ostinatamente recita e canta a Napoli il suo Pulcinella do…