- Danny Schechter,资深记者,基于自己最新的出版书《Plunder》,通过多方采访,将2008年美国华尔街引发的金融危机做了详尽的分析。银行家将房屋贷款精心包装,作为一个商业产品,通过各家保险公司的认证,放入金融市场进行炒作。从最基层的银行房贷经纪到政府金融监管机构,都对这种将债务做投资的行为置若罔闻,甚至丧失天良的参与进了这场时代…
- The Trans List explores the range of experiences lived by Americans who identify as transgender (an umbrella term for people whose gender identity does not conform to that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth). No two experiences of trans people are exactly alike. Transgender, transsexual, gend…