搜索 Bang

  • 3 Germans. 2 midlife crises. But only 1 Ireland
  • 《School Attack》是韩国MTV电视台的一档明星突袭校园的综艺节目。
  • 《school of 樂》是韩国Mnet电视台的一档明星突袭校园的综艺节目。节目形式是节目组在和学校沟通后,学生在不知道明星要来的情况下被学校集合到类似礼堂的地方,然后明星出来给学生们一个惊喜,进行高校突击表演,跟学生互动游戏等。
  • 电影战争
    抗日战争期间,江南新四军的将士与日寇展开激烈的较量。光荣负伤的指导员郭建光(谭元寿 饰)和18名新四军战士被迫在沙家浜养伤,耐心等待再次奔赴沙场的那一刻。阿庆嫂(洪雪飞 饰)和沙奶奶(万一英 饰)等进步群众积极接纳、照顾伤员,战士们则各尽所能为乡亲分担农活,军民鱼水情,可歌可泣,难分难舍。未过多久,鬼子开始扫荡,阿庆嫂引领…
  • 电影剧情
    导演舒吉特·瑟加(Shoojit Sircar)的新片《谍战马德拉斯\/悍战谍影》(Madras Cafe)是一部关于印度情报部门特工的影片,背景设置于80年代末90年代初。就在印度和平力量撤退之后,某特工被派去斯里兰卡,执行秘密破坏内战反动势力的任务。深陷混战与政治阴谋之中,他遇到了一名英国记者,并化解了一场刺杀行动。本片由摄影师卡玛里吉·耐基(…
  • Stranded in Canton captures the stranded of present day Guangzhou. Tens of thousands of sub-Saharan African merchants currently live in the mega city of Guangzhou, located along the northern reaches of the Pearl River in southern China. The local Cantonese commonly refer to the Sanyuanli and Xiaobei districts of the ci…
  • "T-Pang Rescue"Baby bear Dung-dung is missing?Twi-twi and his friends guard the fun and peaceful town of Hurry Burry.They are off to find the missing baby bear Dung-dung!However, the playground where the bear went missing is the secret hideout of evil aliens Karoan and his tribe!They need to be stopped before…
  • One night can change your life forever....The night begins...A boy is celebrating his sixteenth birthday with his rowdy group of friends who all agree- there's no better gift to gift him than his first sexual experience.They book him a night with a prostitute. the night grows deeper...The boy strikes an unusual connect…