- One night can change your life forever....The night begins...A boy is celebrating his sixteenth birthday with his rowdy group of friends who all agree- there's no better gift to gift him than his first sexual experience.They book him a night with a prostitute. the night grows deeper...The boy strikes an unusual connect…
- Mad Mad House is a 2004 reality television series about a group of ten contestants competing for $100,000. The contestants lived together in a house inhabited by another group of people known as the alts (for their alternative lifestyles). The alts voted the contestants off by judging them on their ability to perform &…
- 乔(崔·帕克 Trey Parker 饰)是一名虔诚的摩门教神父,即将和恩爱的女友丽萨(Robyn Lynne Raab 饰)携手步入婚姻的殿堂。可是,众所周知,结婚需要一大笔钱,这对于囊中羞涩的乔来说是他目前所面临的最大难题。一次偶然中,乔误打误撞闯入了三级片拍摄现场,并且被导演相中想要让他下海演戏,面对导演开出的高额片酬,乔心动了。在拍摄的过程…