搜索 Banse

  • The TA and the Taliban is a six part observational documentary series following the "part time" British Soldiers of the Territorial Army who volunteer to join full time soldiers and serve alongside them in Afghanistan.The filming took place over 11 months in the UK and in Afghanistan and follows the lives of …
  • 德国作曲家韦伯谱写的三幕歌剧《自由射手》(剧名原文意为“魔弹射手”,全球普遍译为“自由射手”),是德国第一部浪漫主义歌剧,首演于1821年6月18日柏林剧院。剧本以古代欧洲民间关于《黑猎人》的传说为题材编写,在音乐创作上有不少独到之处,在音乐史上有很重要的意义。这部歌剧我也只有DVD版的演出录像,但我认为古典歌剧的前50部经典中…