搜索 Bardo

  • A young gay man struggling with O.C.D. white-knuckles his way through a Grindr date and makes a mess of things.
  • 索菲亚是一名有前途的17岁排球运动员,在一场可能决定她命运的锦标赛前夕,她得知自己怀孕了。她不愿意把孩子生下来,于是决定非法堕胎。她因此成为一个原教旨主义团体的目标,该团体决心不惜一切代价阻止她。但索菲亚和她身边的人都不打算屈服于群众的盲目狂热。
  • 电影
  • The feature film Deadly Drops is freely told according to the court records of journalist Uta Eisenhardt.It is the authentic case of a gay serial killer who killed three gay men with an overdose of KO drops in 2012 within three weeks and tried to kill two men. After the conviction, he took his own life in the cell.The …
  • 艺术品收藏家艾德琳(帕特里克·波查 Patrick Bauchau 饰)来到朋友丹尼尔(Daniel Pommereulle 饰)的海边别墅度假,在这里,他遇见了漂亮的女孩海蒂(哈蒂·波丽托弗 Haydée Politoff 饰)。丹尼尔告诉艾德琳,海蒂是个生活作风颇为开放的女孩,有许多个风格迥异的男友,艾德琳和朋友在背后戏称她为“收集男人的女人”。艾德琳崇尚健康、自然…
  • 汤尼(Jack Noseworthy 杰克•诺斯沃西 饰)和杰茜(Bethany Bassler 贝瑟妮•拜斯勒 饰)是一对婚姻还算完满的夫妇,所谓“还算完满”,不过是因为他们结婚数年来还没有一儿半女。杰茜是个有些许洁癖的女人,她无法忍受赤裸裸的夫妻生活,所幸汤尼能够充分理解,两人的爱情波澜不惊,而家中的必备品则是成堆的安全套。某天事情发生变化,杰茜突…
  • Mitchell Parker lies dead on a morgue slab. In life, 'Mitchell' served the low ranks of Debt Collectors, surrounded by all the filth and scum that the world had to offer. He thought his luck was in, when on a routine collection he stumbles across 100,000 in cash, hidden in the sofa of one of his clients. A dark and hau…
  • Wizjoner Lech Majewski zrealizował może najbardziej przejmujący film o latach sześćdziesiątych PRL-u. Wojaczek, chociaż wykorzystuje fakty z tragicznej biografii poety-katastrofisty, wchodzi w regiony filmowego uniwersalizmu, w regiony …