搜索 G.

  • 综艺
  • Desentierros. Los libros que no heredamos
    Unearthing. The Books We Didn't Inherit delves into the family memory of María Julia Blanco, the film's director. The exhumation of her father's student library, recovered in 2018, is the starting point. Julia guides us through the provinc…
  • 颜色撷取样本
    This film captures creators' discussions on the political symbolism of colors. By analyzing individual color samples, it reveals the complexities and diversities behind these political symbols.
  • Gerardo is the lead singer of a rock band, diving into a downward spiral of excess and self-destruction.
  • 电影
  • 碧翠丝迫不及待地想要正式成为一位女巫,此时却发生了一件不幸的事。她若不赶紧行动,就有可能失去那尚未得手的头衔。
  • 一对当时在星马地区受欢迎的演员歌手Aziz Jaafar和Noor Azizah分别饰演Johari(“Joe”)和 Fauziah。白天, Fauziah和Joe都有稳定地工作。 晚上,他们致力于练习他们的乐队。 Fauziah必须对她那死板保守的父亲(Ahmad Nisfu饰演)保持秘密,一个反对现代青少年流行音乐的人。他们于是开始不顾反对参与唱片公司选秀比赛。Fauziah父亲不能…
  • How long is your list of lovers, and what have they taught you about life? Facing a life changing event Josh Bronstein creates his list of all of his lovers. From X-Wives to current girlfriends this vivid story follows his wacky relationships. Nothing is off limits as Josh uses the list to explore his greatest losses a…
  • 电影喜剧
    改编自小松重男的小说《 蚤とり侍》,阿部宽饰演的武士因得罪了藩主而被流放为打着除猫蚤的名号实则向女顾客卖“肉”的“工口武士”小林宽之进。第一个客人小峯(寺岛忍饰)神似其亡妻,谁知才几分钟就被骂床技差,于是他下定决心磨炼起了床笫之术。丰川悦司饰演传授主人公取悦女性之道的妻管严的清兵 卫,前田敦子饰演清兵卫的妻子。斎藤工饰演…