- Lesbians didn't always get to see themselves on screen. But between Stonewall, the feminist movement, and the experimental cinema of the 1970s, they built visibility, and transformed the social imagination about queerness. Filmmakers Barbara Hammer, Su Friedrich, Rose Troche, Cheryl Dunye, Yoruba Richen, Desiree Akhava…
- 第二季继续探索1980年代洛杉矶湖人队的职业和个人生活。故事聚焦1980年总决赛之后到1984年的这段时期,季终讲述当时最伟大的球星——魔术师Johnson和Larry Bird之间的第一场职业重赛。
- 一个关于“时间胶囊”的机密研究项目,因能量块失窃陷入危机,引发了一系列时空穿越事故。现代人苏宝银意外接触到形似手机的能量块,流离于古代异时空和二十一世纪现代两个世界之间,美颜国王爷霍靖及两个随从为寻找她,也被意外卷入时空黑洞闯入现代。三个古代呼风唤雨的王爷将军,走入了完全陌生的现代世界,陷入囧境啼笑皆非。回到现代的苏宝…
- When the Kingdom of Hungary's army was annihilated by the Mongols at the battle of Mohi, only the castle of Esztergom stood in their way to invade Europe. Batu, the grandson of Genghis Khan, reaches the walls of Esztergom with his invincible army. The castle's defenders led by Eusebius, the canon of Esztergom, and a Sp…