搜索 Lorenza

  • 退休的沃特不愿就此度过余生,他使出浑身解数希望能够填补这漫长而又无所事事的生活。一天,受到报纸的启发,他决定去寻找那个在他背后替他工作的人,找到他,指引他,并且感谢他。结果,他却遇到了一个害羞沮丧的年轻人皮尔罗,他们之间的关系微妙地转变成了父子之情。最后,皮尔罗鼓起勇气追求生命中第一个让自己动心的女人……
  • Arguably the greatest composer from the Baroque era Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) composed over 1100 works. His works, particularly in regard to counterpoint, are widely regarded as being amongst the greatest compositions ever written. They are characterized by complex motivic patterns, flexible rhythmic structures…
  • 马尔科是罗马的一个建筑设计师,他和两个合作伙伴———女友克罗迪亚和好朋友萨尔维奥有一个工作室,他们已经成功申请到了修复西西里古城的设计权。但是马尔科在此时刚好赶上了服兵役的年龄,为了自己的工作,他表示愿意充当义工来补偿自己的兵役。但他没想到等待他的是一个重度的肌无力患者。在神经肌肉疾病患者协会里,马尔科认识了他要照顾的…
  • Very good film indeed, with Enza's searching for love, and founding it at last in the baby who grows inside. This is the first movie I saw made for Aurelio Grimaldi, but certainly I like it.Penélope Cruz offers a great actuation, good for her.
  • TheEvilRises
  • Doctor Miguel Cascarro (Pascual) is still mourning the death of his wife Caroline (Jacob) while he scrambles to save his family home from creditors. As he drives home one day, he finds a badly beaten and bloody Valerie (Ramos) on a deserted country road and takes her home to nurse her back to health.
  • 影片聲明不是影射愈貪腐愈紅的總統貝盧斯科尼,實情是此地無銀,將國家混帳重棍毆下去。話說某市選市長,一個廉潔的候選人冒出頭,賄情告急,滿身酒色財氣的大富商Cetto被推舉出來救火。他用炸彈宣佈參選,記招公開的政綱是窮人唔使理,選我有錢派。官商「民」大勾結上電視辯論,對手被隱形,Cetto只需廢o翕便贏得掌聲。一輪賄選運動之後,支持…