搜索 Bari

  • 《美厨竞赛 澳大利亚版》是澳大利亚Ten电视台的一档真人秀节目,基于英国版《美厨竞赛》发展而来。食品评论家Matt Preston,大厨George Calombaris和Gary Mehigan担任节目的主持及裁判。(文:life_is_good@YDY)MasterChef Australia is an Australian competitive cooking game show based on t…
  • 这是一个一个寻找快乐的故事。十年前,钢琴家Sergio与兄长Alfredo分道扬镳:两位都是热爱音乐的人,却无法在音乐事业上如愿发展。Alfredo遂决定抛开世俗的一切去寻找快乐,离家前住印度达兰萨拉出家修练成为和尚;Sergio则在拿破里当上的士司机。他日复日的听着收音机穿过大街小巷,遇上了不同的人,聆听不同的故事。导演以动画画出哲理与智慧,…
  • 加济安泰普烤肉大师阿里·海达尔和女从与2年轻的孩子需要在生活,工作和爱情的各种困难的斗争中一个寡妇,''''我住在春季开始在第二个故事中。
  • The movie tells the story of a single woman who is played by Russian actress Alyona Babenko. One day she sees a young man (Berik Aitzhanov) on her balcony and that changes her life. He finds a way to her heart from that balcony, and he leaves from that balcony, after penetrating into her soul and changing everything in…
  • İskender, Erdal ve Ayşe… 2'si erkek, 1'i kız 3 evlat. Babaları Sadi emekli. Anneleri Hediye, ev hanımı. Mahalle arasında, eskimiş ama eskidikçe de değeri artan bir evde yaşıyorlar. Bütün gelecek hayallerini ve ümitlerini oturdukları e…
  • 恰纳卡莱之战又称加里波利之战(英文:Battle of Gallipoli),又称达达尼尔战役(Dardanelles Campaign),是第一次世界大战中土耳其加里波利(Gelibolu)半岛的一场战役。它始于一个英国法国联盟的海军行动,目的是强行闯入达达尼尔海峡,打通博斯普鲁斯海峡,然后占领奥斯曼帝国首都君士坦丁堡。在土耳其此战称为恰纳卡莱之战(土耳其语:Ç…
  • 电影悬疑
    这是一部反映二战期间匈牙利部队内部斗争的电影,影片真实的再现了二战时期匈牙利部队中的混乱与工人们分歧重重的现状,及那个时期这个小国在战争中的地位。沙堡中校是第十九团的团长,因为主持正义被叛徒迫害,他 的团被解散,他自己也被捕入狱。沙堡与叛徒的武装力量展开激烈的斗争,领导狱中的战士和老百姓成功占领监狱,并与大部队会合。战…
  • For the very first time cameras have been allowed behind the scenes at the royal palaces to see the historic and hidden world of the Grenadier Guards.With their bearskins and red tunics they are the most recognisable soldiers in the British Army.They are the very public face of royal ceremony – resplendent in bearskins…