搜索 Barry

  • A steamship originating from San Francisco has just docked on the South Pacific island of Tutuila at the port of Pago Pago, where some US Marines are stationed. Among the passengers is Sadie Thompson, for who Pago Pago is only a transit stop in that she is on her way to Apia on the nearby island of Upolu, where she is …
  • 电影剧情
    凯伊(Karen Colston 饰)总是与妹妹朵恩(Geneviève Lemon 饰)不合,朵恩破坏她的衣物,勾引她的男朋友路易斯,性格任性又暴躁,没有朋友,邻居小男孩是唯一亲近她的人。朵恩将男友鲍勃带到家里住,两人肆无忌惮地疯狂做爱,使得凯伊非常不满最后将鲍勃赶了出去。某日父亲在母亲离家后拜访凯伊,他爱妹妹朵恩却对她无计可施。在咖啡馆,他希…
  • This powerful psychological drama follows a young executive's climb up the corporate ladder and his slow immersion into corruption, seen through the eyes of his young sister-in-law.Shyamal (Barun Chanda) is an ambitious Marketing Manager in a British firm in Calcutta, manufacturing fans. He's married to Dolan, and live…
  • 电影爱情
    她,Anne Gauthier(阿努克·艾梅 Anouk Aimée 饰)是一个寡妇,独自抚养着她的女儿。她是一名电影场记,丈夫是一个特技演员,在拍摄一场戏的时候不幸丧生。她每周都要从Paris去Deauville接送她在Deauville一所学校寄读的女儿。他,Jean-Louis(让-路易斯·特林提格南特 Jean-Louis Trintignant 饰)是一个鳏夫,独自抚养着…
  • 意大利黑手党在20世纪初将其黑手伸向了美国曼哈顿的则意大利移民区。杀人越货、勒索绑架,无所不为。为对付黑手党的恐怖活动,皮特罗西诺探长专门组织了一支小分队。少女艾德丽娜的父亲是个黑手党徒,皮特罗西诺爱上了她,但艾德丽娜喜欢的却是探长的同事约翰尼。痛苦中的皮特罗西诺将个人恩怨放在一边,集中精力对付黑手党,并勇敢地救出遭黑手…
  • 父亲去世之后,母亲建议多米妮(玛琳·黛德丽 Marlene Dietrich 饰)前往位于阿尔及利亚的沙漠休养生息,就这样,多米妮只身一人踏上了旅途。在途中,多米妮邂逅了名为鲍里斯(查尔斯·博耶 Charles Boyer 饰)的男子,鲍里斯是一名背叛了自己信仰的天主教修道士,这个性情阴晴不定的男人很快就吸引了多米妮的注意。在沙漠向导巴图奇(约瑟夫·…
  • George is the scapegoat of his classmates. One day he cracks and shoots them. His best and only friend Blaise is accused in his place and sentenced to 7 years in a psychiatric hospital. At the day of his release, Blaise realizes he only has one family: his best friend George. But he does not want to hear about his chil…
  • 西蒙是一位在停尸间工作的年轻病理学家,但却有深度的幻觉症,经常看见停尸间死人复活的错觉。由于工作需要她转往了意大利发展,并结识了他的男朋友,摄影师爱德以及一个神父,此时太平间运送来了一具疑是自杀者的尸体,但神父确定这具尸体并不是自杀造成的,而是另有其因。此时西蒙的幻觉又开始膨胀,死去的死者复活并指引她寻找可疑的线索,随…
  • 每当卡罗尔照镜子的时候——不管何时何地哪块镜子——她都能看见令自己心惊胆战的恐怖景象。然而她不是灵媒,并不能跟鬼魂沟通,她只是一个被吓坏了的女人。这时一个英俊的陌生人进入了卡罗尔的生活,到底他是来帮卡罗尔摆脱困境,还是另有其他阴险的目的呢?When Carol looks into a mirror -- any mirror -- she sees ima…