A Japanese artist visits the Highlands of Scotland to paint, but becomes the target of a sadistic killer. Alone, suffering from exposure and hunted, he must find a way to survive.
如果可以列印专属自己的情人,那该有多好呢? 故事女主角Pamela自己住在巴黎的小公寓裡,受够了天天当宅女没有男人陪伴下,在一次偶然机会发现了「列印你的完美情人」订购网站,究竟她可以就此脱离鲁蛇还是…?让我们继续看下去~~~~Check out this heartwarming 3D Animated short called "Print Your Guy&quo…
In 1963, eighteen-year-old Patricia Weir is kidnapped and brutally raped. Committed to putting her attacker, Ernesto Miranda, in prison, Patty's life is destroyed by America's legal system as she triggers a law that transforms the Nation.
爱尔兰幻术师、感应大师及魔术师Keith Barry,在节目中大展读心及植入想法进而影响他人行为的本领,引人入胜。 来自爱尔兰的Keith Barry,是幻术师兼感应大师及魔术师,也是2009 年国际魔术师学会颁发的「年度感应大师」最高荣誉梅林奖得主,还被封为拉斯维加斯09 年最佳魔术师。他曾主持《Close Encounters with Keith Ba…