- Minding Our Own is a compassionate portrayal of two families and their quest to understand the world of caregiving. While unearthing relationship dynamics, these unlikely heroes provide an intimate look into what it takes to truly care for another person and is a meditation on life's surprises as well as its immeasurab…
- 'Free Entry' is an adventurous journey to adulthood, a summer youth drama revolving around the wild yet precarious relationship of Betty and 'V'. As the two 16-year-old girls risk their first steps towards independence, in different ways, they both come to experience the importance of their friendship.
- 《黑暗与光明的迷宫》是由捷克新一代动画大师吉利·巴塔(Jiri Barta)制作的奇幻停格动画短片集,影片怪诞、奇异、幻想,将真实世界和虚拟世界相融合,运用声音、色彩等手段来展开故事的叙述,通过对手套、木偶、老鼠等拟人化表现及对人性贪婪的表现,揭示出了深刻的人生哲理,充分展现了动画艺术的独特魅力.
- The story is set in the south of the ex-USSR, in Crimea. The characters are outcasts. Their hostility to society makes them want to flee both the law and themselves. Their flight becomes a journey that leads to an inevitable clash with the world, which they can neither change nor rebuild as they see fit.