搜索 Bash

  • Krish and Meera, form a young Indian couple climbing the ladder of the corporate rate race in a nation hurtling forward at a rate unprecedented in its long history. Stressed, frustrated and unable to come to terms with the sacrifice required for success, they go in search of a legendary magical insect - The Great India…
  • 电影剧情
  • 电影冒险
    俄罗斯电影《我们来自未来2》是2008年俄罗斯热门影片《我们来自未来》的续集。  《我们来自未来》是一部穿越影片,在当年曾引起强烈反响,被称为“俄罗斯2008年最优秀的电影作品”。讲述了圣彼得堡四个靠倒卖二战文物为生的年轻人从现代穿越时空隧道,重回战火纷飞的1942年,经历了伟大卫国战争的炮火硝烟洗礼后又回到现代,在短短的62个小…
  • A famous surgeon named Nino, who came to the village, is requested to perform the operation. She recognizes her ex-husband Akia is the wounded person and now her difficult past is there before her eyes: Almaskhan's son Akia raped orphaned Nino. She and her real love Giorgi cannot be together. Life becomes monotonous fo…
  • 集合了亚洲各地10位当红名模,由MaggieQ监制,包括台湾甜姐儿林志玲都入镜的“LoveAsia”DVD,于24日起全亚洲同步发行,“LoveAsia”由新加坡时尚摄影师LeslieKee掌镜,在度假胜地马来西亚兰卡威、吉隆坡等地拍摄,充满夏日风情。林志玲在当中展现琴艺、小秀舞蹈,以及与众名模们至PUB狂欢的幕后镜头。