- 时间:不明,地点:不明。一个充满疫病与灾难的城市,警探与记者同时追查一连串活活烧死的案件,知道真相的却一一惨死;人们期盼传说中的救世主降临,带领众人脱离地狱,但活路又在哪里?
- Description: This film is the story of the first man to fly. It was in the 17th Century during the reign of Murat IV, a period of ottoman history when there was much bloodshed that Hezarfen Ahmet Çelebi flew from Europe to Asia over the Bosporus on wings of his own making. Istanbul beneath My Wings, using the story of …
- The local box office champion of 1997-98 (Turkey), directed by Mustafa Altioklar, provides over-the-top entertainment worthy of its feverish title. In a seedy but colorful area of Istanbul a barber's courageous son seeks to prove his love for a beautiful prostitute and to protect his neighborhood from an invading gangs…