搜索 Bedingfield

  • The Russian Winter is a film about journeys. It's a film about Grammy nominated musician John Forte's journey from one of Brooklyn's most dangerous neighborhoods to the country's most prestigious, elite boarding school to federal prison where his fourteen year sentence for drug transporting was cut in half, incredibly …
  • 2005年,为纪念安徒生诞辰200周年,这位童话大师的故乡丹麦举行了各种盛大的庆祝活动。“曾经的安徒生”纪念音乐会就是这样的一场盛典,它聚集了全球众多演艺名人,并运用音乐、舞蹈、小品、杂耍等诸多艺术形式,配以绚丽盛大、色彩斑斓的灯光舞美,令安徒生笔下一个个耳熟能详的童话故事和经典人物呼之欲出。