搜索 Belen

  • Fine Powder is an extraordinary film in more than one sense—even though it’s considered to be one of the precursors of the New Argentine Cinema of the ‘90s, it is practically impossible to determine what it resembles, as well as finding h…
  • 12位西班牙青年导演各拍摄一部1分钟长的短片,用一个镜头完成,组成了这部奇怪的影像作品。In 1999 the Mexican director and producer Juan Carlos Rulfo – the son of Juan Rulfo, the writer, and the author of the documentary En el Hoyo- started up an original film ende…
  • 阿黛尔和她的母亲孔查生活在城郊的一个贫民窟里。孔查的丈夫是个可恶的暴徒,他使母女俩长期生活在暴力和虐待之中。对此忍无可忍的孔查决定不顾一切风险,偷走一大笔钱,并带着女儿阿黛尔逃离。不幸的是,她们在出逃中被发现了。在追捕过程中,孔查却意外地驾车撞死了丈夫……这场逃离注定是一次冒险,而母女俩竭尽全力,才能挣脱一直禁锢她们的…
  • 电影恐怖
    黄文展“狗头”(任达华 饰)和何家宝“猪女”(徐子珊 饰)是香港CIB(Criminal Intelligence Bureau)的职员。CIB俗称香港警察中的狗仔队,里面人人行动低调样貌平凡,但却对罪犯有极其灵敏的嗅觉。狗头和猪女这次的任务是追踪珠宝劫案的疑犯陈重山(梁家辉 饰)。陈重山是个犯案“天才”,对躲避警察追捕有丰富经验和巧妙手段。这次CIB行…
  • When an ambitious and promiscuous writer willing to go to any length to further his career becomes engaged to the beautiful daughter of a prolific editor, her dreams of the perfect wedding day are shattered by the selfish motivations of her future husband in this drama that proves all is not fair in love and marriage. …
  • 电影生活
  • This movie is the best portrait of Chilean society. Ruiz show us like a group of little people with little problems, with a very special way of life. The strangest Spanish in all South American with the funniest accent too. This movie is like Martin Scorsese's Mean Street but without the crime ingredient. You must see …