- Fine Powder is an extraordinary film in more than one sense—even though it’s considered to be one of the precursors of the New Argentine Cinema of the ‘90s, it is practically impossible to determine what it resembles, as well as finding h…
- I, addict tells how Javier Giner, an audiovisual professional, at the age of 30 decides of his own free will to enter a rehab centre. In the depths of his darkness, a desperate instinct to survive will push him to seek professional help. Without knowing it, this gesture will change his life and turn him into a new pers…
- SixriotpoliceproceedwithanevictioninthecentreofMadrid,butthingsgowrongandamanloseshislife.AnInternalAffairsteamisgiventhetaskofinvestigatingthefactsandthesixriotpoliceareaccusedofmanslaughter.Thesquadsetabouttryingtofindtheirownwayout,leadingtotheirseparationand,finally,complicatingthesituationevenmore.Laia,oneoftheInt…