- 安娜卡列琳娜(叶卡捷琳娜•古谢娃 Ekatelina Guseva 饰)是一个成熟而又美丽的女人,她早早便成为了亚历山大的妻子,然而亚历山大实则利欲熏心之人,眼中只有功名利禄,在生活中对妻子十分淡漠。得知哥哥奥布朗斯基的婚姻亮起了红灯,安娜孤身一人来到了莫斯科,却因此遇见了名为渥伦斯基(谢尔盖•李 Sergey Lee 饰)的骑兵军官。和亚历山大…
- An art house movie tells about the search for love and happiness. A school principal and his friend hijack an old steam locomotive and start a travel along the abandoned railroad - to deal in coal. The film plot is seemingly simple: two friends (a school principal Parentsov and a truck driver who is referred to as Fath…